Faculty of Sharia and Law

The Faculty of Sharia and Law offers a wide range of specializations covering the fields of Islamic jurisprudence, the principles of jurisprudence, civil law, criminal law, international law, commercial law, comparative jurisprudence, and personal status laws. We believe that studying these specializations contributes to the formation of a distinguished legal personality, educated and qualified to deal with contemporary legal challenges, and capable of contributing to the development of legal and Sharia systems. The specializations are as follows:

Department of Sharia


Principles of Jurisprudence

Comparative Jurisprudence

Department of Law

Civil Law

Criminal Law

Commercial Law

International Law

Personal Status Law

Administrative Law

Departments of the Faculty of Sharia and Law

These departments and branches offer diverse academic programs aimed at equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become distinguished specialists in the fields of Sharia and Law.

Islamic Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence of Worship

Transactions Jurisprudence

Principles of Jurisprudence

Theoretical Principles of Jurisprudence

Principles of Applied Jurisprudence

Private Law

Family Law

Company Law

Public Law

Constitutional Law

Administrative Law

International Law

Public International Law

Private International Law

Criminal Law

Substantive Criminal Law

Criminal Procedural Law

Commercial Law

Commercial Law

Labor Law